
Justice In Oedipus The King

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In the tragedy of Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles, a man murders his father and marries his mother without knowing. Oedipus killed the Sphinx himself,making him King. Unsure of the truth in his life he tries to uncover it throughout the story.When a plague hits,the only to rid of the horrid plague was to bring justice to the last king's murder. Oedipus pretty much went insane trying to find the murder.He banished his brother and scared the heck out of a shepherd just to find justice to the murder of Laius. While justice seemed important, it never truly happened in the end.

The play begins with a city prioritizing justice. The citizens of Thebes asked asked King Oedipus for help because they were suffering from a plague. To bring the plague to an end they needed to bring Laius’ murder to justice. After meeting with Tiresias Oedipus pointed his finger at his brother Creon for plotting treason against him and Creon stated,”Judge me with certain proof.Judging a good friend as evil without reason is unjust!”(12) thus making an argument start between the two brother-in-law’s. Creon, Oedipus decided was to be banished but before he left Creon stated “Souls like yours are their own worst enemy! Quite justly too!”(14) Creon is saying that Oedipus …show more content…

Oedipus becomes more desperate trying to find the person who murdered Laius. Still claiming that Creon said the he was Laius’ murderer just created more stress for Oedipus and now Jocasta his wife. Oedipus becoming so desperate, he started abusing justice,the citizens said “Even the unjust word has a strong bite.”(15) Soon a Herald from Corinth and a retired Shepherd arrived. They explained that they saved Oedipus in the mountains and that he was not a child of Polybus and Meropi,but they wouldn’t say where Oedipus was from infuriated he exclaimed, “I am not afraid to discover my birthright!”(24) Making finding his true birth parents his top

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