
Oedipus Tragic Hero Essay

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In every tragic story the protagonist come to terms with a sad truth or faces a tragic event. Even in despite of there best efforts to be a good person; they meet a sad ending making him or her a tragic hero. Oedipus was a great King, who eventually had to face a tragic fate that he could not escape. He came to find out he was the evil he was chasing, which lead him to his tragic end. Aristotle theorized that a tragic hero is a literary hero who makes a bad decision, which leads to his or her down fall. A tragic hero should not be morally better or worse , so that the people can relate to him or her. He or she must discover their fate by his or her own actions, for " a man does not become a hero until he can see the root of his downfall".(Oedipus) There are five characteristics to being a tragic hero; hamartia, a tragic flaw or error in judgement; hubris, excessive pride or disrespect for tradition; anagnorisis, a discovery that the reversal was brought about by their own actions; nemesis, a fortune that he or she cannot avoid and is a result of his or her actions; and catharsis, feelings of pity brought about by the tragic hero's story. Their story should arouse a sense a fear and empathy for the protagonist. In the end, he or she should learn from his or her mistakes and accept his or her inevitable …show more content…

Oedipus becomes enraged and say the reason Teirsais will not say who the killer is because it was Teirsais' plot to kill King Lauis. Tiersais retaliates by saying Oedipus is the pollution in society. Then Oedipus accuses Creon as being apart of the plot. Here you see Oedipus' hubris another characteristic of a tragic hero. He was willing to kill Creon, an innocent man so it would seem as if Oedipus did his job and fulfilled his promise. Oedipus is trying to throw the blame on everyone else, because he realized that if people are not looking at Creon he is the only one left to

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