
Justin Martyr's On The Resurrection Of The Soul

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The term “resurrection” has been a word confused and debated over. It is a term that has sparked a lot of controversy in the past and even in the present. There are two sides to the resurrection. There is the resurrection of the soul and the resurrection of the body or flesh. The early Christian apologist, Justin Martyr, can help clear up the confusion with his work On the Resurrection. Though it is fairly short, it helps paint a picture of the resurrection and especially, the resurrection of the flesh. Martyr’s key message is that there is a resurrection of the flesh and it brings that Christian to glory in heaven. This paper will unpack this message, evaluate it in light of the scriptures, and see how it applies it the contemporary context.
The core message of Justin Martyr’s work On the Resurrection is that there is not only a resurrection of the soul, but a resurrection of the flesh. He says that the flesh will be made whole when it is resurrected because since Jesus on earth could heal the sick, then the body will do so much …show more content…

First off, verses twelve through thirteen show that there must be a resurrection. Also, Paul emphasizes that there are heavenly and earthly bodies and the glory of each is only of one kind (1 Corinthians 15:40). He goes on to say in the next verses that what is sown is perishable and what is raised is imperishable. In other words, the earthly body will perish, but when it is resurrected then it becomes a heavenly body that cannot perish. In verse 52 through 54, it shows that the bodies of believers will change when they are raised and become immortal. Furthermore, in Philippians 3:20-21, it demonstrates that when Christians are resurrected, Christ will transform their bodies to align with his glory. The scriptures show believers that a resurrection of the flesh is possible and even desirable because it returns believers to their former state of

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