Justin Trudeau A Liberal Analysis

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Liberalism is a complex and everchanging term used to describe a multitude of matters. Over the course of time, thinkers and scholars alike have shared and debated over what liberalism entails or who classifies as a liberal. Due to recent events, one might wonder how the leader of Canada’s Liberal Party fits into the picture - to what extent can newly elected prime minister Justin Trudeau be defined as a “liberal”? Ultimately, by reflecting upon the concepts of classical and social liberalism, Trudeau can be described as more of social liberal as opposed to a classical liberal, to the extent that he supports the state’s role in welfare, healthcare and education.
The terms ‘liberal’ and ‘liberalism’, like all other such words, derive a great …show more content…

However, the prominence of classical liberalism started to decline towards the end of the nineteenth century due to the emergence of poverty and socialism as an alternative ideology. Consequently, British liberal thinkers including T.H. Green and L.T Hobhouse set out to propose a revised or new liberalism, commonly known as “social liberalism.” As opposed to classical liberalism, social liberalism would focus on social reforms through expanding the state's role. Thus, social liberalism revolved around the concept of positive freedom (or ‘freedom to’ achieve one’s goals) and its key tenets consisted of introducing state intervention (and its duty to ensure the wellbeing of its inhabitants through the elements of healthcare, shelter and education,) an emphasis on equality, a more regulated economy and redistribution of …show more content…

The beginnings of Canada’s Liberal Reform took place when Prime Minister and Liberal Leader, William Mackenzie King introduced various social reforms which included the extension of public ownership, old age pensions, unemployment insurance, the state’s increased control of economy and foundations for a welfare state. Lester B. Pearson notably followed in King’s progressive footsteps while he held office by introducing the national Medicare Program, Canada’s Student Loan program, the Canadian Pension Plan, the forty hour work week, the minimum wage and the two-week vacation period. Succeeding Pearson, was the infamous Pierre Trudeau who enacted a plethora of social reforms including universal health care, liberal divorce reforms, privacy laws and regional development and a revision of the Canada’s Constitution with the entrenchment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Notably, it was also during time that Trudeau’s eldest son Justin was