Juveniles Should Be Charged As Adults Essay

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Juveniles should be charged as adults in murder cases. First of all, the juveniles know exactly what they're doing in a situation like that. The second reason is, because they are able to commit a crime like murder, they are considered very dangerous. A third reason is, most of the time teenagers who commit crimes such as murder get a shorter time in jail just because of their age. Juveniles should be charged as adults in murders cases. The juvenile knows exactly what they are doing. Without question, they know what they did so it is fair that they get charged as an adult. Most of the time people know what they are doing when they commit crimes and they get charged as an adult. Even though it is up to the judge whether they are charged …show more content…

Because they are able to commit a crime like murder, they are considered very dangerous. Not to mention that they should be given an adult charge because otherwise they will get out of jail and do it again. By giving them an adult charge they can learn not to do any crime, and that crime is not okay because you will not get off easy. Juveniles shouldn't get off easy for doing something such as murder because they took someone's life. It also wouldn't be fair to the family that lost someone if they didn't get an adult sentence. In spite of them being able to commit the crime their brains are not fully developed. Juveniles should be charged as adults in murder cases. Most of the time teenagers who commit crimes such as murder get a much shorter time in jail just because of their age. It's not right that they have less time for something as big as murder. By giving them a shorter time they don't learn anything and will most likely go back and do it again. No one should be getting a shorter time in jail for a crime like murder. As a result of giving shorter time they think that it's not that big and that they could do it again. Regardless of them getting shorter time they are not eighteen so they are not an