Should Juveniles Be Trail As Adults Essay

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Should teens be trail as teens your should there be trail as adults. I believe that juveniles should be trail as adults. In this article we are going to talk and answers the big question should young juveniles be trail and put into adults prison even though they are just kids and do not know any better or should we led them a hand and give them a second chance so that they can change. Many believe and so do i that these children need a second chance. Because they are just kids and many of them do not get that chance to change and are instead put into a adult prison where they will spend the rest of their life with any chance. To show them that not all of these juveniles are killer. Because at the moment they did the crime they did not know what the result was going to be. Just cause they did what they did does mean they are going to do it again. Do you believe some of these kids like lonza he was caught trying to robben a gas station but as a result he did not. And spend about 14 years behind bars. In my point of view lonza learned his lesson the hard way just think about in prison with adults and was broken into two. He did not see his love one for that munch and now that he is out of prison his life is never going to …show more content…

I think this is why so many juveniles do the crime because there are going through the loss of their tissue. In the article by Paul Thompson called “ starting finds on teenage brains” says in quote that they have done test on many different teens and the results are so shocking that in the area that controls the impulses are very risk taking and self control. And the frontal lobes of the brain that also inhibit the violent passions that put the plug on why these juveniles do the crime. The result to this is that they are founded a different way to reshape the brain during the lost of brain tissue so that they can be normal like if they had never lost any