Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults

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The Right Punishment A crime is a crime, no matter who commits the crime, the victim’s family still suffers, Everyday at least one person is committing crime in the United States and there’s a 50% chance that it’s a teen. Teens who violated the law that didn’t reach their 18th birthday are called juveniles. The only difference of juveniles and those adults who committed a crime is that they don’t get the same punishment. At their age, they already have knowledge to know the wrong things that they shouldn’t do. No matter what their age is, juveniles should be punished the same way as adults do because they are responsible for their actions, they wouldn’t learn or regret what they did, and the victim deserved justice.
Juveniles should be tried as adult because they should be responsible enough for what they do. Committing a crime doesn’t have age requirements, but why does juveniles have the same consequences as …show more content…

This means that ones they killed somebody and they can get out from it, they’ll see that other’s life ain’t precious. In their mind, they’ll think that every time they do a crime they can just get out from it again.
In addition, juveniles should be treated like adults when they commit any crime because they will learn from it and regret what they’ve done. In the article “Study: Throwing Kids in Jail Makes Crime Worse, Ruins Lives” it’s stated that “Young offenders who were incarcerated were a staggering 67% more likely to be in jail again by the age of 25 than similar offender who didn’t go in prison.” This is basically saying that the punishment that the juveniles get isn’t enough to make them learn from their mistake. There’s still a chance that they would do the same thing all over again and they would only regret if they get the consequence that they really deserved. Not only the juveniles deserved it but also so that the victim’s life is worth