Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults Essay

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We live in a society today, juvenile justice is a concern for law enforcement. One thing us whether or not to try teen criminals in adult courts and sentence them to adult prisons. In virtually all states there are juvenile justice systems where teens are tried and put into juvenile facilities. The main focus of these facilities is to rehabilitate juveniles, not just punish and imprison them. The problem is that some teens are still being tried in adult courts and sentenced to adult prisons. Although the death penalty does not exist for youth offenders, juveniles still receive life sentences. These teens do not deserve to be treated this way; they deserve a chance for a better life, a chance to change, and they are not going to have this chance in adult prisons. Teens should not be tried as adults.
Some people believe that teens …show more content…

In 2004, he graduated magna cum laude” (Anderson 97). Greg somehow managed to do this all by himself without the help and support of any family or friends. He made a completely independent choice to change his ways. Although he was able to rehabilitate in an adult prison, the same does not apply to all cases. Adult systems do have programs to help change people but the chances and opportunities are way lower than in a juvenile correction center. Change did not come to Ousley, he wanted to become a better person and had to search for his own help. He was one of the few able to find hope behind bars. In juvenile prisons the main focus is to provide help for the youth. Their goal is to rehabilitate and make better people out of the kids who enter the facilities. They do not aim to just punish and hold teens away from the rest of the