
Karen Horney Site Analysis

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For my topic in Explorations in History, I choose to visit the Karen Horney site. Which can be found at http://www.karenhorneyclinic.org/. Anyhow, this site describes itself on the homepage. The home page states that The Karen Horney Clinic was founded in 1955 and this site is there honor the memory of Karen Horney. Karen Horney was a MD, and a pioneer in the field of psychoanalysis. The Clinic’s current missions are the same as those when it was founded: to offer low-cost psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic services and to provide training and opportunities for advanced mental health professionals. Then it has a direct quote from Karen Horney which is “There is no good reason why we should not develop and change until the last day we live” At the top of the page is phone …show more content…

The about us link when clicked on it, explains a little more about Karen Horney’s views on psychoanalysis. It also is a nonprofit, that except most insurances along with Medicare and Medicaid. The mission statement provides more information on Dr. Karen Horney’s optimistic and humanistic philosophy that individuals have the capacity to grow and change throughout life, a departure from the thinking of many of her peers in the psychoanalytic community of the early 1900’s. Dr. Horney stressed the importance of society, culture, and an individual’s intimate interpersonal relations as the most important influences on personality development. She felt that personal psychological difficulties originally arise from anxiety-generating adverse early relationships, which in turn interfere with growth. The Karen Horney link talks about life and upbringing, which I found personally fascinating since she did numerous works on the effect of one’s social environment with one’s mental health and she also made numerous discoveries based on gender

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