Core Philosophy Of The Psychoanalytic Theory

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The Psychoanalytic Theory represents one of the most sweeping contributions to the field of personality. This theory proposes that our childhood experiences and unconscious desires influence our behavior (Talvitie, 2012). William Ford Gibson an American-Canadian writer once wrote, "When you want to know how things really work, study them when they 're coming apart.” The Psychoanalytic theory consists mainly of using methods to bring out unconscious material that needs work on. Understanding as well as establishing that there are all sorts of forces that affect one life which attribute in making us into the individuals that we are at present. Recognizing the division of personality in the,”ID”Ego”, and Super ego and that the unconscious is an important part of who we are and noting that anxiety plays a big function in how one reacts to the world at large and highlighting Freud’s theory on defense mechanism to help one cope with such anxieties. Core Philosophy of the Therapeutic Approach The most important underlying ideas relating to the psychoanalytic theory was mainly influenced by Sigmund Freud, one of the most famous names in Psychology, his Psychoanalytic Theory formed the bases of many current psychoanalytic theories. He was the first to discuss the unconscious mind and its role in human behaviour. Freud believed that there were three levels consciousness the first he labeled s the unconscious mind which exist outside of an individual’s awareness at all times. The