Karen Olsson's Article 'Up Against Walmart'

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The Truth about Walmart Being the world’s fourth largest retailer Walmart still keeps growing, and Walmart CEO earns $1,034 more per year than the average Walmart worker (Kavoussi). Karen Olsson’s article “Up Against Walmart” suggest that the growth of Walmart does not help an individual due to many job problems that are present this is important because it can affect the future of the workers. The problem and the effect in Sebastian Mallaby’s article “Progressive Walmart. Really,” suggests that Walmart helps overcome all the negative criticism of a job company. On the controversy despite their different viewpoints, both articles mention minority discrimination, corporate abuses, and health care. The discrimination of minorities in Walmart companies has been stated in both articles. Olsson’s stance is that Walmart discriminates against women causing women be paid lower in the same field as men. Olsson states …show more content…

Workers are asked to help after hours and are not being paid overtime. “Americans can’t live on Walmart paycheck” (Olsson 608). Even to this day workers are being paid the minimum and are forced to get a second job because it does not support them and their needs. “Walton paid his first clerks 50 to 60 cents an hour substantially below minimum wage at the time” (Olsson 611). This shows that Walmart has paid their workers at a low wage since the company’s beginning and has not improved. According to Olsson, “Walton hired a professional union buster to lecture workers about the negative aspects of unions” (611) because workers were not satisfied with their working conditions. Years later Walmart hired a company to develop a union avoidance program to stop workers from organizing, and therefore violates their federal labor laws (Olsson 609). The goal of Walmart is to avoid creating any unions by killing them before they become troublesome. As Olsson

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