Karl Marx Alienation

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As we learned about the modes of production and distribution from primitive going through slavery, feudalism, mercantilism, which now leads us to capitalism and socialism. With capitalism, it is an exchange of money for the commodity. Where the labor becomes the human commodity, in which the labors exchange value becomes the wage, then falls on the trail that makes the surplus value, which is the profit. Karl Marx discusses about four types of alienation. The two types of alienation that has come to my attention are the alienation of the worker from their product and the alienation from the other workers. When Karl Marx speaks about the alienation of the worker from their product, he concludes that the workers or the consumers do not determine how the product is designed or produced; it is the capitalist class who is accommodating the workers labor. Marx further explains that not only are the workers limited from benefiting from the products that they produce, there work is more like as an activity. Seeing work as an activity is just about seeing how much the capitalist can squeeze out of the worker to produce products. Therefore, making the products more of a commodity. Then, the capitalist gets the full control of the workers, the …show more content…

The workers get paid at the lowest rate possible which that is what maintains the highest rate of return for the capitalist to give to the workers for their time and production of the product. All this is a piece of exploitation of the workers labors, where the capitalist is making an extreme profit and benefit off of the hard labor the workers produce for the capitalist. The profit that is made off the product, which was produced by the workers, should be paid to the workers but instead they are paid to the capitalist class. The capitalist class is those who are in charge of the means of production and the one who owns the