Karl Marx Alienation Essay

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Marx’s theory of Alienation is the concept that workers will essentially loss control of their lives by losing control over their work. Marx’s theory derived from the transformation of economics. In the early days workers had controls of what and how much of a product they produced for their consumers. As time went on worker had less and less say of production. The production of workers simply became a product of the system. Marx believed that when people had no say in the process of production, what was produced, and failed to form inter-worker relationships that they lost part of their human nature to be free and to do productive activity. Marx compared Capitalism to an absolute monarchy or any other autocratic system. An absolute monarchy …show more content…

In alienation people are just going to work to do a job. Now more than ever people are completely unattached with their work. In most cases people don’t even see the finished product. They are simply doing a job as a means of getting paid. Sure there are some professions where the end results are realized, for example teaching, but in big businesses, you are simply following orders. Marx speaks of this more in the field of industry. For example a clothing industry such as Nike is a great example. With the great debacle of the sweatshops the employees of Nike factories are definitely a product of the system. They are simply going in to get paid to feed their families. They have no connection to the company what so ever. I find it hard to globalize anomie. While society those put pressure on you to succeed while not exactly giving you the tools to be successful, it is the individual who handles it differently. I have seen the effects of anomie first hand. Different cultures and families put different amounts of pressure on their children to grow up to be something; however some of these are stressful. The education and intelligence required to be a doctor is difficult. I have seen someone become so stressed out that they attempted suicide. In today’s social media word everyone is following everyone’s movements. So now when you make a statement it is more pressure on you to produce. However, how someone handles these pressures and in some cases failures is based on the