Karl Marx's Appropriation Analysis

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'Appropriation ' is Marx 's most general expression for the fact that man incorporates the nature he comes into contact with into himself. Appropriation means to utilize constructively. For Marx, the individual appropriates the nature he perceives and has become oriented to by making it in some way a part of him with whatever effect this has on his senses and future orientation. As Marx says that to capture a ‘Sunset’, it’s not necessary to sing, paint or write about it but if you have genuine emotions then you would achieve an even higher degree of appropriation. According to Marx, man will be able to develop a new kind of appropriation which will not imply a hedonistic attitude towards the world that reduces it …show more content…

the aesthetic appropriation of the human essence and of human life, objective man and of human creations, by and for man, shouldn 't be taken solely within the sense of immediate, exclusive enjoyment, or solely within the sense of possession or having. Man appropriates his manifold being in A wide method, and therefore as an entire man. All his human relations to the world—seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, thinking, observing, feeling, desiring, acting, loving—in short, all the organs of his individuality, just like the organs that square measure directly communal in type, square measure in their objective action... the appropriation of this object, the appropriation of human reality. The method during which they react to the item is that the confirmation of human …show more content…

Marx claims that “man has no human needs” and that money is only the “true need” produced in capitalism. With ownership comes greed, status, rights and abuse which have become only adequate expression of man’s powers at this stage in their development. Marx says that capitalism is the “low point” of appropriation by man’s powers, communism is its “high point”. Communism starts a time when man brings his species powers out of himself. Till then majority of the powers are hidden inside him which we can say are improperly or inadequately fulfilled. Communism is the time of complete personal