Karl Marx's Theory Of Commodity

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According to Karl Marx, capitalist enter the market already possessing capital more especially money. This is with the aim of investing and expanding the business by converting the money into a commodity by buying machinery and then turns the commodity with cash which is higher than the initial amount, hence making profits. Karl Marx did a great job therefore in explaining what it means to live in a world where giving and taking is the norm daily. From his writings, Karl Marx seemed as though he was predicted the future, and telling the world, which no matter what time they live in, the commodity is essential and is needed in everyday life. Karl Marx defined commodity as the use-value and value of an item.
Karl Marx article is relevant to …show more content…

As we stated earlier, commodities are the use- value, and value of an item. Commodities are the reason why trade exist and therefore much important for us today. Everybody would like to something different of which they are in need in exchange for what they have, and they do not need. Commodities are anything that satisfies us and our needs; it could be something that is eaten or something that we want to use. It is relevant because we always need to satisfy our daily needs and to do that, we have to exchange something for something else of which we do not have. For example, someone who owns a store would want people to come in to buy whatever they need, and he/she will be able to get money to increase the business. The people who go and buy will then satisfy their needs well. This is an example of exchange economies, “one uses the money to make money” (Marx 1). Also, it is more of a cycle that everyone who wants something and wants to live has to be a part …show more content…

Economic change is a factor that keeps on changing depending on the forces in an economy and is needed by everyone for survival. People may change the way they produce something, yet the result will always be the same. The result is getting what one wants. The alternation and the prices of produce are caused and changed by humanity. Karl Marx saw what was around him based on what people do, and what people do to get what they want. So he talked about what will happen in the time that he was in, and all of the times that will come after him. He saw that production, and the commodity is something that will not change, yet will either get better or get