Ideas Relate To Material Force By Using The Work Of Marx And Engels

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In this assessment I will explain how ‘ideas’ relate to ‘material force’, using the work of Marx and Engels as support. I will refer to the example of single working parents as I feel that this is a relevant topic. To start, I will define the two key words used in the question as they are used within the assessment. After this I will then go onto how these ideas relate to the material forces, and then I will go onto my example of single working parents. Fevre and Bancroft (2010) state that ‘material forces’ are both the changes in objects (e.g. new technology) and the changes in ‘social relations’ which result in social change and proves how people relate to material things. For society to change for the better, the materials forces and social relations need to change, this causes the ideas of individuals to change. (Fevre and Bancoft, 2010) The main point that has been noticed by Marx and Engels is that ‘Economic stuff has social effects’, this proves that the economy affects everyone within society. (Fevre and Bancroft, 2010) Marx and Engels suggest from their research that the ‘ideas’ …show more content…

One material force within this example is that, while being a single parent, you have no choice but to seek childcare and go out to work so that you can afford to have a basic standard of living as the price of living has gone up without a rise in wages. Another material force which relates to my example is that it is now a norm for women to go out to work and receive a good wage. This makes it more acceptable, although difficult for single working mothers. Although nothing has changed to support these single parent families be able to pay for regular childcare whilst they are at work, as this can be expensive and could end up meaning that it would not be worth working full time as the family may not be any better