Marx: Mechanization And Industrialization Theory

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18th and 19th centuries are the start points of mechanization and industrialization .During this era, society was transformed from feudal structure to industrial society due to changing production systems. Europe was the most affected area within the changing production systems and building new type of society. Therefore, Many European thinker in that period built theories for the changing structure and reshaped it. Marx who influence following social scientists until today with his theories is one of those thinkers. In this paper, I’ll analyze Marx’s social theory, relations of production, social classes and the structures of capitalist society. Hegelian dialectic approach was the key figure for Marx while he was building the social theory. Avineri shows, "can demonstrate that the distinctive patterns in Marx 's later thought had already taken shape when he attacked Hegel in this work. " (Avineri, pp . 13, 9, 14) Marx rebelled against Hegel 's philosophy in which ideas were taken to be the important determinants of history. Marx’s critique of Hegel had moved from the history of ancient philosophy, to the conception of the state. To what extend is Marx far from Hegel? To Hegel, ethical life has three components which are civil society, family and government. Those components make understanding freedom and articulation of reason at higher stage easier. However, Marx’s critique of Hegel’s philosophy of the state allowed him to see that both civil society and the state were