Karl Marx Vs Durkheim Essay

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This essay will discuss the understanding Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) had on the workings of society. It will explain how they differed in their opinion’s and give pertinent examples to illustrate their theories. It is important to note that both men were writing at a time of major political, social and industrial change in Europe. Marx moved to London in 1849, and this is where he spent the remainder of his life (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2016). Durkheim was a French social scientist, born into a Jewish family of very modest means (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2016). Marx was of the opinion that social change is prompted primarily by economic influences (Giddens, 2009 :18), while Durkheim saw society as a moral thing, exerting control over people, keeping them in order so they don’t pursue their desires at everyone else’s expense. Marx’s social theory remained incomplete, as he never actually finished his work on this subject (Ritzer, 2001: 150). He did believe that society is based around contradictions that can only be resolved through actual social change (Ritzer, 2001: 182). To this end a question Marx asks is ‘how do people survive?’. His answer was based on his belief of a ‘conflict theory’. This is the alternative he proposes to …show more content…

Marx believed the ruling class (bourgeoisie), exploited the working class (proletariat) and the working class struggled to overcome that exploitation. One way to overcome this, according to Marx, was through conflict, as this is what inspires change. The final line in Marx’s work, “The Communist Manifesto”, ‘Working Men of All Countries, Unite!’ (1848: 42). With this statement, it would appear Marx is calling for the proletariat to rise against the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth, thus freeing themselves from