
Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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Writing is representative of the author’s thoughts and opinions. In some instances the thoughts are blatant and explicit. In other cases, the author utilizes literary elements to convey points. Kate Chopin does a wonderful job of mixing the two to provide points within her work. This is especially true in regards to the work, “The Story of an Hour.” Kate illustrates the key to happiness. By the conclusion of the story the audience is left with hints to what Kate Chopin considers the keys to happiness.

Summary Kate Chopin’s rendering, “The Story of an Hour,” is a peculiar story. The main character, Louise Mallard is notified of her husband’s death and gives a strange reaction. Instead of grief, Louise is actually relieved in a way. Her husband’s death has …show more content…

Louise Mallard never truly experiences freedom within the story. She is always subjected to confinement. Even before the scope of the story she is confined by her husband. As a result she never truly experiences happiness. She sees signs of happiness, but never truly experiences. One reason she never truly experiences happiness is because she is never free from the house. During the entire story she refuses to leave the house. Her interaction with freedom basically comes through the open window she stares out as she experiences the feelings associated with happiness.

Purpose Kate Chopin also suggests that one must live with purpose to have a happy life. The most important part of this aspect is that the purpose one lives for is of their own accord. You cannot be truly happy if you are fulfilling someone else’s will as Louise Mallard did. This is illustrated by the statement, “there would be no one to live for her during those coming years; she would live for herself.” (Chopin)This is ultimately what led to her happiness. She had the freedom to fulfill her own purpose instead of that of her husband. Self

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