“She had all her life long been accustomend to harbor thoughts and emotions which never voiced themselves.” This quote is an example of how a lot of woman felt back in the 19th century. Not a lot of woman had many rights on how we do today. “The Story of an Hour” discusses forbiddin joy in marriage, independence, and oppression of marriage, some of which still exsits in today’s society. Theme is a subject of discourse, discussion, meditation, or composition; topic: The need for world peace was the theme of the meeting. (dictionary.refrence.com) Themes are always used in stories for example Forbidden Joy in Marriage is a theme in “The Story of an Hour”. It talks about how most woman in the 19th century like Louise, herself felt trapped in their marriages not many woman back then had many rights men had, a lot of woman were so unhappy in their marriages they never felt what true happiness felt like. Men were also the head of the house hold whatever they say , goes so a lot of these woman never had a say in most situations. Some felt like they never had control and like Louise, she was one of these woman back in the 19th century who felt like this in their marriage. She never really said anything or really knew she felt this …show more content…
In the 19th century woman were oppressed in there marriage, even the kindest ones were inherently oppressive. Louise husband was one of the kindest and loving husband but despite the love between her and her husband, Louise sees her husbands death as a release from oppression and feels joy that he is no longer alive. “She never names a specific way in which Brently oppressed her, hinting instead that marriage in general stifles both woman and men.” Louise thinks about how all marriages are oppressive and suggests that it takes aways all independence in both men and woman who are together. Since the 19th century a lot has changed but opressed marriages still remain for some