
Kauffman What Are Your Plans After Graduation Summary

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Greg Kauffman Chicago to student's: What are your plans after graduation is about a change Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is making in 2020 to have graduating seniors come up with a post secondary plan to recieve their high school diploma. In by saying post secondary plan it could be a job, acceptance to college, the military, a trade apprenticship, or a gap year program. With this change happening critics are questioning whether CPS have the funds to back them. According to the Kauffman's article this new plan would need more guidance counselors and the ratio guidance counselors to student are 701 to 1 in Illinois high schools. Others think this plan might work while the rest are raising concerns because they feel it would make vulnerable and disadvantage students drop out. Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, says" The idea that you are going to actually have a post- high school educational plan, and all of a sudden, we're putting a burden on our kids backs." I disagree with Rahms Plan because kids are being forced to do something they may not want to do, everyone do not have money for college, and CPS is already having trouble with funding. …show more content…

They are being forced to do something they might not want to do. Of course when you graduate you want a job to make money: are they going to help you find a job? Some students might be tired of school and want to relax for a year or so. Also the job market is low in chicago and without work experience it is hard to land a job here. What about the special education students, do they need to follow this post secondary plan also. Rahm is adding more work for CPS students not knowing what these students are going threw to walk across that stage. With this post secondary plan students who are already struggling to graduate would have another task to worry about and this could possibly make students drop out of high

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