Kellogg's Roles And Gender Factors: The Positive Impacts Of Cereals

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In 1938, The Kellogg Company came out with a cereal called, "Pep" which quickly became popular. It was one of the first cereals to be fortified with vitamins. That time period, many people were oblivious on the benefits of eating extra vitamins, thus Kellogg 's began an advertising campaign that aimed to educate the populous on that topic. In order to target the majority of people, this campaign relied on typical gender roles and sexist ideas to explain the positive effects of taking vitamins. In order to have a holistic view on this ad, we need to understand the culture of the time period it was released in. This ad was released in the early 40 's, a time period were woman’s gender rights took the wrong turn. In the 1910 's and 1920 's, women had made great steps forward which climaxed with the 19th amendment granting them the right to vote in 1920. Women achieved a higher level of political equality but lacked social and economic equality. Nevertheless, when the Great Depression began, woman’s rights fell to the back burner. Politicians chose to focus on the economy of the country rather than providing equal rights to men and women. Not only, the matter on gender equality socially and economically was not an issue anymore but many politicians started reconstituting the old stereotypical gender roles. These politicians would stress that the man was the one responsible for earning money and providing house and safety for their family while women were in charge of

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