Criminology, Crime Cusation And Recidivism

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Explain key terminology in relation to criminology, crime causation and recidivism to include:
Sentencing is when a judge decides what the criminal justice system should hand down to a person that has been found guilty of committing an offence. A sentencing can only happen when all information and facts have been heard by the judge and jury and when the defendant has been proven guilty for committing the crime. If there is no jury in a case the judge will decide alone whether the person is guilty.
(C. Quirke, 2018) (, 2014)

Types of sentencing-
1. Mandatory sentence
Known as a life sentence, this is a sentence that criminals get for doing serious or violent crimes. For committing murder, a person receives …show more content…

The Chicago school was established in the University of Chicago. They recognised five key areas that establish as cities begin to develop, the commuter zone, the residential zone, working class zone, zone of transition, factory zone. They discovered that built-up districts with high poverty, little education and no balance in a household most likely caused youths to participate in criminal activity. Another man Edwin Sutherland believed that individuals discover and participate in criminal activity from older people.
(C. Quirke, 2017)

3. This social control theory gives reasons as to why people comply with rules and laws. It mainly associates with people’s personal lives’ that help them to not break the law. There are four types of control:
 Direct: Like when parents discipline their children for doing bad behaviour, a child will comply with the laws when they are rewarded by others.
 Internal: When a young person steps back from committing crime through their conscience.
 Indirect: When a person draws back from committing a crime because they may disappoint their loved ones or other close to them.
 Control through needs satisfaction: If a person fulfils their goals, they have no reason to get involved in …show more content…

The type of punishment they get should be corresponding to the crime. Rehabilitation shouldn’t be considered when determining which punishment should be given. Those who follow this theory believe that retribution is unlike revenge because retribution is solely aimed at doing wrong.
(, 2014)

Victim impact statements
If a person is a victim of a crime they can make a victim impact statement in their own words describing how they have been affected by somebody else’s actions. The statement enables the judge to understand the effect the crime has had on you and decide what punishment should be given. A statement can be made by the victim or a member of the victim’s family. If a person has special needs, a member of his/her family can prepare one for them.
The purpose of the statement statement is to show the offender the harm and hurt the crime has caused you. The victim impact statement is made after the offender has been found guilty. The statement shouldn’t include a person’s opinion about the culprit, or how many years they think the offender should get.
(C. Quirke, 2017)

Researching the function of society in relation to crime area(s)
Crime causation- Crime causation is the reason why people commit crimes. I will outline three theories. (1) Neoclassical, (2) classical, (3) strain