Keyte's Theory About The Lost Continent Of Atlantis

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Plato’s Accounts The ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote two works, the Timelaus and Critias referring to the lost continent of Atlantis (Santos). Could so many philosophers be wrong about the lost continent of Atlantis? Entire cities have been discovered on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and many other unexplainable reports cannot be accounted for by skeptics. Flem-Ath however, feels Plato’s view of Atlantis is only a “sliver of the truth.” Rand Flem-Ath believes that the lost continent of Atlantis is actually the frozen continent of Antarctica. Plato describes Atlantis as, ” larger than Libya and Asia combined; from it there was passage for the sea-farers of those trying to reachother islands, and from them the whole opposite continent which surrounds what can truly be called the ocean. …show more content…

Do you believe in the lost continent of Atlantis? Or do you believe that it is merely a “fairy tale” for a misrepresentation in history? Many of these “glitches” in history have been exploited as absurd accounts of a lost continent once destroyed. It is believed by Santos that some of the islands in this area are the tops of ancient mountains that existed on the continent of Atlantis (Santos). This coincides with Santos and Plato’s views of the destruction of the lost continent of Atlantis. Plato also described the continent of Atlantis as being a very mountainous continent, high above the sea level, and being verygreen and plentiful to its inhabitants (Flem-Ath). Plato described Atlantis as a continent high above sea level, and this is true about the continent of Antarctica. If the lost continent of Atlantis did exist, this would account for Biblical references to the Garden of Eden which can not be found today. He made many famous predictions about the lost continent of