Kiki Magazine Essay

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Kiki magazine is an education based magazine that is targeted towards the niche market consisting of tween girls, nine to fourteen years of age, that are interested in style and substance in a magazine. Some of the topics that Kiki Magazine publishes articles about are geography, finance, history, entrepreneurship, and fine arts. Many of Kiki’s tween magazine competitors’ content is based on celebrity gossip, beauty tips, and dating advice. The philosophy of Kiki magazine is based on promoting self confidence among young girls, and one thing they do to support their philosophy is not accepting any advertisements in their magazine because they feel this would expose their readers to commercialism, and this may compromise Kiki’s philosophy. For Kiki to have successfully reach their markets potential, they must find their target market by …show more content…

The survey will be sent to the parents of the tween girls because the target customers are very young and it is unlikely that they would have a job, money to pay for the magazine, or a car to go to the store to purchase the magazine. The parents most likely take their daughters along to the store and support them financially. Most parents would like to approve of what their child is buying or what their child is going to spend their allowance on. The survey that would be sent out would consist of close-ended and scale based questions, so the analytics of the survey would give Kiki and idea of their consumers’ opinions and their intensity on those opinions. After the surveys are sent out, completed and the data has been analyzed, the data can be used to draw conclusions on their niche market and it can be used to create more questions and actives for a focus group to fill in gaps that may not have been filled by the

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