There are many important reasons why kind words are a significant aspect of our lives. There are three specific reasons kind words are significant, these include: kind words bring individuals to Christ, can influence others for the better, and can lift someone up out of the darkness and hate that unkind words contribute. Unlike kind words, unkind words hurt others, keep them away from Christ, and overall influences them do evil and be wicked. Unkind words have gotten me into many unfortunate and aberrant situations. Many of which include the people who I love and cherish, which seems a little bit out of the ordinary considering they are very important to me and my life. As Christians we are called to this earth to bring the sinners, wicked, unwanted, and unreached people to Christ. In 1 Corinthians 13:1 it says – If I could speak all the languages of the earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. We are to allow God to take them away …show more content…
Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” I have had days where I was angry for different reasons and answered to people with anger. This resulted in the other person getting angry towards me as well. When talking to someone, even when you are in a bad mood or having a bad day, you should always respond with kind words. Especially, because they had nothing to do with your anger, so why treat them with rudeness when they weren’t involved? God tells us to be kind to our enemies, friends, neighbors, family, etc. even when they are unkind or use unkind words towards you. Be the mature person in the situation, and no matter what another person says to you, be kind back. For you reap what you sow. I have made many mistakes with unkind words, but the best you can do to fix what you said is apologize with kind words, and you will be