Cold Water And Calorimetry Essay

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The researchers were able to produce different explanations to assess the results from each of the experiments.
With regard to experiment 1, the researchers correlated the outcome to the influence of temperature on the movement of atoms and molecules. Reanalyzing the definition set for this concept, temperature is analogous to the average molecular kinetic energy of a substance. Thus, it can be said that at higher temperatures, the particles that compose matter move at higher velocities and consequently have higher kinetic energies. Applying this statement to the experimental setup, the average kinetic energy of the molecules of warm water is therefore much higher than that of the cold water. So, the molecules of warm water are actually able to occupy more space because of their rapid velocities and high kinetic energies. Because the constituent particles of the warm water occupy more space, the substance is therefore low in density. Now, there are not many differences between the properties of warm water and cold water in the experiment — including mass. Nonetheless, it is the disparity in temperature and density of the water that accounts for the results of the experiment. Because the mass density of …show more content…

When heat is added to the gas inside the bottle, it expands. This expansion provides a force that inflates the balloon by pushing it outwards against the force exerted by the atmosphere. Hence, the heated gas does work on the balloon. This illustrates the first law of thermodynamics, which is centered on the relationship between heat and work. Besides this, another law of thermodynamics can be seen in the movement of gas particles from a higher temperature reservoir to a lower temperature reservoir. This exemplifies the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the natural flow of heat is always from a higher temperature body to a lower temperature