
King Arthur Alternate Ending

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The conversation made Arthur a little uncomfortable, because he didn’t want to lead Drea to believe this would be any more than it was: a joining to procreate. Yet as if reading what was on his mind, Drea added, “I know this is all temporary, but my heart tells me a friendship might grow from this. Not right now, as that would be too difficult on your queen, but perhaps one day.”
He took her hand. “I’d like that. But I have more questions for you!”
Arthur, still holding her hand, asked about Drea’s job as a weaver, and discovered she’d woven his favorite tapestry that hung in the Council Chamber.
“And what about your horse?” he asked, stalling. “That dappled mare you spoke of?”
“Oh, the poor girl died a few months ago. She was ill and getting …show more content…

No matter the outcome of today, he’d see she received a new horse. The notion of her struggling upset him.
“Now it’s time for me to ask you questions,” she said with a grin.
Drea asked Arthur all about his childhood. He told her he preferred sword- and combat training to his academic lessons, and told her about how much he despised his Latin tutoring.
“It was torture!” he proclaimed. “I went through years and years of it I can hardly recall a word.”
Drea laughed at his proclamation. “Do you remember any Latin?”
“You think I’d recall a lot after being stuck in a tutoring room with Merlin for ages, but I don’t. Wait, I recall one phrase very well – vox nihili. It means ‘the voice of nothing.’ Whenever I didn’t know an answer, which was much of the time, that’s what I’d tell Merlin. And then he’d swat my head. I don’t blame him; I was a terrible pest.” He chuckled at the memory. “The poor man. I’m amazed he continued to have anything to do with …show more content…

“I do, but I didn’t say you were handsome. I said you were sexy.”
She pulled the covers up over her head and Arthur laughed. He pulled down the fur blanket so her eyes were exposed.
“I’m flattered,” he said, “and I find you sexy. Your shape is gorgeous.”
He found the crotch of his trousers becoming snug and shifted his position. Drea must have realized this, because without asking, her hands drifted to his lower abdomen and unlaced his trouser ties. It was time.
Arthur kicked off his trousers and undergarments, and without a word, he helped Drea out of her long shift. Her naked form aroused him, and he had to stop himself from licking the pure white skin of her breasts, even though it called to him. Instead, he lay back and gathered Drea close. It wasn’t supposed to happen, and Arthur promised himself he wouldn’t do it, but they kissed. Her mouth tasted like honey and wine, and the subtle aroma of her skin, floral, brought his erection to life.
Drea’s hands found their way between his legs and she gave him a few gentle strokes.
“That’s an impressive erection,” she said, her lips brushing against his neck, then chest. “It felt large inside of me, but now I see why it hurt that

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