King Claudius Speech Analysis

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1. Claudius (41–54 CE) Born with a club foot, hunch back and stutter Claudius was not viewed as strong by the senate though he did overcome his speech impediment and give several orations such including a speech on Gallic senators. In fact Claudius was a scholar and had even received teaching a teaching from Livy in his own personal attempt to write a complete history of Rome that he unfortunately scrapped due to being unable to properly write about the current emperor under threat of death. In 41 AD Caligula was assassinated and a Claudius quivering behind curtains was made the new emperor. It is speculated that Claudius was involved in the assassination, but it was never confirmed. In 43 AD Rome began its conquest of Britain under Claudius and it would last until 47 AD. With the conquest of Britain Rome received an influx of new slaves that were owned by the government which gave Claudius incredible power and upset the senate. …show more content…

Claudius discovered that his wife Messalina was sleeping with at least five senators and Claudius had Messalina and her lovers executed. With Messalina dead Claudius married Agrippina. Claudius had two children, a son named Britannica and a daughter named Octavia whom would marry Agrippina’s son Nero who Claudius would adopt. In 54 AD Claudius would meet his end at the hand of his new wife who would poison him and Nero and Britannica would become joint emperors with Agrippina holding massive