
Kite Runner Passion Quotes

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When passion conflicts with personal morals, there is always a victim. When faced with a critical situation, most people tend to run the other way. In The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, Amir makes a moral mistake that turns his life upside down. Battling himself to make the right choice, Amir runs the other way knowing that Hassan has always been there for him. In The Kite Runner, Amir experiences conflict with himself due to the series of decisions he makes throughout his life. Khaled Hosseini does this to show that people make mistakes, and make decisions they will regret, but it is what they do about it that matters. In The Kite Runner there are three main examples in which passion conflicts with Amir’s personal morals including when Amir …show more content…

Amir says “I stopped watching, tuned away from the alley. Something warm was running down my wrist. I blinked, saw I was still biting down on my fist, hard enough to draw blood from knuckles,” (Hosseini 77). Amir turned away from helping his best friend that has always been there for him. This quote shows how Amir was more worried about himself then potentially saving his best friend from being abused. Khaled Hosseini chose to write this in the text to show how the main character, Amir, must now deal with adversity throughout the novel. The quote can teach society to think through decisions and determine what is more important for the future. The same event could have happened in real life, and Hosseini’s goal is that the right decision is made by anyone that endures a situation like this. If Amir did end up helping Hassan, then he would have been thanked by everyone, but instead Amir is faced with the sight of that scene forever. Amir’s passion was to be loved and applauded by Baba, but his moral obligation was to help his best friend. Turning away from his best friend just exemplified how he was scared and intimidated and that is the worst way to act going through life. The main lesson to take out of Hosseini’s quote is to make the decision that will be the most beneficial to the future because just by one wrong decision, life can go a whole different …show more content…

Amir watched his best friend get assaulted and turned the other way and ran. He then set Hassan up to be accused for stealing money and a watch from Amir. But then, he made the right decision and decided to save Sohrab who is related to Hassan. The actions that Amir exemplified are important for society to look back on because from the very beginning, a decision that will not be regretted must be chosen. People can get caught when trying to fix there mistake just as Amir did. However, mistakes can be fixed with a little bit of work as Amir did in the novel. Society can make things right by doing what is right even after making mistakes over and over just like Amir did. If there is one lesson that people can take out of this novel, it is to always trust yourself to make the right decision. If not, that could come back to haunt you just as it did to

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