Kristallnacht Essay

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“You are not born prejudice, you are taught it.” Everybody is human and shouldn’t be judged. We all bleed the same color. Everyone should be treated equally. Racism, bullying, prejudice and antisemitism are still going on in the nation. People are still getting hurt by it. We need to come together as a nation to end bullying, prejudice, racism and antisemitism. I hope by reading this essay, you will be against all this. Bullying, prejudice, racism and antisemitism should end. “Historians consider Kristallnacht as marking the beginning of the end for the end for Europe’s Jewish community, 6 million members of which died during the ensuring Holocaust” said Ron Grossman. What he is trying to say is that there will not be a lot of Jewish communities …show more content…

One way a nation can work is if there are many protests across the country. If there are a lot of protests, people will stop being a racist, prejudice and Antisemitism. Another way that you can combat racism, prejudice and antisemitism is adding in some new laws. a nation could come together and help add in laws. There could be a law that states something like “If a police officer catches you saying a racial slur towards someone, you get fined.” If judges start making new laws for racism, it will get a lot of people to stop. Those are some of my ways that a nation can combat the growing tide of racism, prejudice and antisemitism. The New England Holocaust is a memorial in Boston, MA. It is dedicated to the Jewish victims who were killed by the Nazis in concentration camps. Very recently, in the news, the memorial was vandalized. Vandalizing this memorial was a very bad thing to do. Many of the families who were related to the ones that died were very hurt. Just because the person who vandalized the memorial doesn’t like Jews, doesn’t mean he could destroy the memorial. Some people get overly prejudice to the point where they do dangerous things. That is what happened to the Boston