Kromco Apple Swot Analysis

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Investigating China as a market for Kromco apples: Table of contents: 1 Introduction 2 Corporate growth strategies 2.1 Market penetration 2.2 Product development 2.3 Diversification 2.4 Market development 3 Swot analysis 3.1 Strengths 3.1.1 CSA 's 3.1.2 FSA 's 3.2 Weaknesses 3.2.1 Variety demand 3.2.2 Infrastructure 3.2.3 Price competitiveness 3.3 Opportunities 3.3.1 Market demand 3.3.2 Currency valuation 3.4 Threats 3.4.1 Domestic production 3.4.2 Trade barriers 3.4.3 International Competition 3.4.4 Risk 3.4.5 Culture 4 Chinese Market Structure 5 Market entry and positioning strategy 5.1 Value Chain Analysis: 6 Conclusion 7 Bibliography 1 Introduction Kromco is a South African …show more content…

Currently we are experiencing currency in-convertibility in developing markets, lower buying power in developed markets, and new political and economical sanctions that act as trade barriers for exports to existing markets. Important markets for Kromco currently affected by some or all of these factors are Nigeria, Angola and Russia. These instabilities in international markets together with a natural growth in produce of 5% per year, forces us to continuously explore new international opportunities. 2 Corporate growth strategies To investigate potential growth options I used the Ansoff Matrix to look at potential international product and market growth strategies. 2.1 Market Penetration: Kromco are continuously investigating new trading partners in our existing markets. Due to trading relations and agreements with existing clients we are careful not to over expose ourselves in certain markets. Kromco try to differentiate its products with the consistent quality and service associated with the brand. Our traditional markets in developed countries are close to reaching a point of saturation, making it difficult to grow our export volumes by means of market penetration in this