Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The white supremacist group Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was established in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee. The ex-confederate troopers built up the association and determined the initial two terms of the group's name from the Greek word 'kuklos' which signifies 'group or band,' and took the third as a variation of the word 'clan'. In the summer of 1867, the Klan became the "Invisible Empire of the South" at a convention in Nashville, Tennessee attended by delegates from former Confederate states (Wormser, n.d). Throughout the years since it was framed in December 1865, the Klan has ordinarily considered itself to be a Christian association, in spite of the fact that in the later times, KKK are propelled by an assortment of religious and political belief systems.
The Ku Klux Klan, with its long history of viciousness, is the most notorious and most seasoned of American disdain community. The Ku Klux Klan is a group of American white supremacists who believe that all non-Caucasian peoples are inferior and that they have no place in the United States which is only truly home to white Christians (Fisher, 2003). Even though dark Americans have normally been the Klan's …show more content…

It began as an expansive recreational group, then it soon swung to scare recently liberated African Americans. The Klan takes direct action against those who do not share its beliefs or those who it simply views as inferior based on its readings of the Bible (Fisher, 2003). In few evenings, the Klan threatened and even killed those it contradicted. In the Klan, rituals and ceremonies are held which help instill Klan values and beliefs in the members (Fisher, 2003). Its individuals received a hooded white ensemble which is proposed to speak to the apparitions of the Confederate dead, to alarm casualties and to maintain a strategic distance from distinguishing

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