Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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KKK Genocide Imagine sleeping peacefully in your cozy bed and in the middle of the night, the lights flicker on and there is a tall and scary KKK member standing at the foot of your bed staring at you. This is a typical scenario that a person faced when confronted by the KKK at the start of their reign. The KKK, also known to bring terror nationwide. The KKK has been around since 1865 and has risen two additional times times. The Ku Klux Klan promoted hatred to many cultures, religions, and races making Americans fear their presence for many generations. The KKK has had three different attempts at success since its onset. The original forming of the Ku Klux Klan dates back all the way to the ending of the Civil War on May 9, 1865. The first …show more content…

Not only that, but the KKK has been one of the largest for the amount of total members. Some say it reached a peak of four to six million members total. Many reasons why the KKK hated certain groups, races, or cultures were out of fear and hate ever since they were free from slavery and labor. “The Ku Klux Klan is composed entirely of white, Anglo-saxon, Christian American citizens, both male and female, who believe that their race and religion are superior to those of people of other colors and religions. The Ku Klux Klan has mostly targeted African-Americans in the past due to the freeing of the slaves by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. It was therefore at the time just after the end of the war between the states that the Ku Klux Klan was formed by ex-Confederate soldiers. Southerners at this time saw their way of life before the war completely turned upside down and took out their frustration on recently freed blacks.” The KKK got what they want by bringing terror and threat to those who the Klan disliked. Their overall goal is to restore white supremacy and they are willing to do anything to get what they want. “Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed