
Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is remembered for being a racist terrorist group who tortured others who were different from them. Their main targets were the freed slaves who were released after the Civil War. A lot of uneducated people will wonder how they started, how they became what they are known for, and they’re outcome. The end of the year 1865 was the beginning of the evil, discriminating cult, eager to fight for white supremacy. In Memphis, TN, 1866, there was an outbreak that had happened because of a white policeman arresting a black driver. Because of this incident, there was a big riot where whites attacked the blacks. Forty-six blacks were killed along with two whites (Bartoletti 23). After this riot, six men got together to discuss how they needed people to monitor what the freed slaves were doing (Bartoletti 24). One of the six men, named John Lester, had the idea to start the group. He came up with his idea by saying, “Boys, let us get up a club or society.” The first suggestion for the name was “Kuklos” which was an idea from Richard Reed and Calvin Jones. Although, it did not seem to suit them. …show more content…

This is when the lynchings, murders, whippings, and more, were happening. Grant sent detectives undercover to the states where the majority of the assaults were happening. The Justice Department was going to find a way to break up the Klan (Bartoletti 131). In the year of 1871, starting in May and ending in December, the government went and got testimonies from everyone they possibly could have (Bartoletti 133). After this, the Klansmen in South Carolina were told to surrender. When the federal marshals and troops came in, they did (Bartoletti 137). Although the Klan Trials were a long battle, the Supreme Court decided they did not have the power to act against what the Klan was doing. When Rutherford B. Hayes took office in 1877, he decided it was best to leave the south alone. (Bartoletti

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