Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The Ku Klux Klan is a racist anti-sematic movement they have a commitment with extreme violence. The Ku Klux Klan wanted to achieve their goals of racial segregation and white supremacy. They were founded in 1866 and they were expanded into almost every southern state by 1870. Even though the Ku Klux Klan was in the spotlight for years, there is still information society does not know. The foundation of the Ku Klux Klan started as a group of confederate veterans. The first branch started as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866. The first two word come from the Greek word “Kyklos” witch means circle. Then in the summer of 1867 some of the local branches met and decided to be called the “Invisible Empire of the south.” Leading the meeting was confederate General Nathen Bradford Forest. He was the also the first leader. The Ku Klux Klan is known to be America’s first terrorist group. When they first started out they focused there violence and anger out on African Americans and white Americans who were helping and stood up for the Africans Americans. And also the federal government. Then as time went on they kept adding people like the Jewish, catholic, …show more content…

As the violence went on it showed a pattern. The majority of the Victorians were whites who has broken some kind moral code. Some of them were bootleggers and gamblers they were the favorite targets. The Klan would parade around the streets at night as a reminder of terror they brought to the southern towns. Then by taking the law into their own hands they made sure the law was respected. Sometimes Hooded Klansmen took their prey in the middle of the day. But mostly they would get in cars in the middle of the night and go night riding then take their victims. Once they caught there victims then they would use whips to punish then. Then once they werr done whipping then they would pour hot tar on them and sprinkle feathers on

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