Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 but the name came from Greek which means Circle. Ku Klux Klan was the boredom of small town life that led six Confederate veterans to form a social club named the Ku Klux Klan. Eventually the initials KKK made people terrified it intimidated them. Before its six founders realized what happened the Ku Klux Klan had become something that they may not have originally intended it to be something really serious. It seems incredible how it became so violent yet that power would instantly vanish. The clan was organized in Pulaski, Tennessee by a small confederate group.

The KKK has had four major periods of power yet was unable to maintain their position because they can not control their violence. After the birth of the KKK in December of 1865 there was a rapid growth of people who wanted to join the clan. This eventually would cause the first downfall of the Ku Klux Klan in 1869. Shortly after the founders one of which was Nathan Bedford Forrest the leader created the name for the clan they began to show off in front of people but they mostly did their rituals at night. Dressing themselves and their horses in white sheets they rode around the town. The klan burned crosses on hillsides or on front lawns of the blacks it expanded throughout the twentieth century. …show more content…

They began having ceremonies to initiate new members to the clan in a similar way like fraternity homes. All of this excitement got the attention of men from other towns who soon became members as well. With this increase of the clan their existence began to change. They were no longer just a club but a secret society who opposed the advancement of blacks and jews and other minority

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