
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five

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Slaughterhouse-Five challenges the traditional way of thinking and how a story should be constructed to help tell a personal story in a different way. The self conscious writing method that vonnegut utilizes in his stories allow him to express himself in way that weren't necessarily used in the past. These include things like voicing your doubts about n=something, stating that something is simply an opinion rather than fact, and admitting when you are at fault or not knowing something. (examples of each and how they affected him and his writing). Vonnegut challenged the traditional ways of thinking by how unrelated themes are mixed together and how most of the story is structured. With the book taking on the themed of history and science fiction equally made a mix that …show more content…

When the science fiction portion was detailed carefully crafted. The not the science fiction part did not compete or lesson the importance or seriousness of the history part. Because the themes crossed over in a good way then i makes people respect the book, take it seriously and consider the concepts discussed in the book. Having parts of the story not follow chronological order also challenges the way we think of literature and books in general, that they don't have to follow the usual form of beginning middle climax end but can actually jump around at different times to seemingly random parts. However the story doesn't lose its meaning just saying we wouldnt understand (quote) by doing this but actually help its other arguments and gets us thinking about the structure of literature. The alternate explanation of time is left vague so we can internalize the concept just enough to get us moving on it but not too much so that we can keep up with Billy's time hops. This not only changes our views on time but also adjusts the way we see and read literature. This was also about perspective because of the

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