Kymani Karla Corporation: Finger Scanning Security System Analysis

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Kymani Karla Corporation (KKC) is a finger scanning security system that we feel like would help a lot of communities. The KKC would actually make it a lot easier to get into your house, and safer. Me, Kymani Patterson, and my partner Karla Bermudez is trying to make this possible. The only worry we have is how we would get big technological companies that would want to help high school kids make this system. Even though sometimes the security system would fail to scan sometimes . It would make people feel safer in their house and would lower robbery rates, because it would be hard to get into the house. They would still be able to go through windows to get in but if there was a way they got it the system would contact the authorities. …show more content…

The rates per population doesn't have a steady position, but towards the 2000’s it goes into a constant lower rate than in the early 80’s and 90’s. 30.32 % of homes in 2014 have been broken into, homes in Connecticut overall have a percentage of 19.74 %. Every 13 seconds a home intrusion is committed and only 17% of homes in the US have stable security systems. We believe the use of fingerprint scanners will significantly reduce the amount of break-ins, nobody has the same fingerprint, one might look similar but never identical, this idea is more secure because the system needs a certain identification to enter in, making it harder to hack into. The most common fingerprint scanning systems used are Optical and Thermal scanners, each have the same purpose but different ways of operating. Although a stray light from another source may cause the print to be inaccurate. Optical Scanners are more common, which wouldn't be hard to program since it is a familiar system to work with. These scanners operate by using an LED bulb to highlight the finger while sensors detect and create the print image by clarifying the light and dark areas created by the ridges of your finger.Again optical scanners use light technology to create the image, so certain external factors might interfere with the accuracy of the

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