La Expedia Travel Guide

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Los Angeles is situated in southern California on the west coast of the United States of America. It is home to eighteen million people, and over forty-five million people visit. LA is well known for its multiple attractions that bring tourists. While one Expedia video was very persuasive (it shows all the main attractions), one vice YouTube video shows the crime documentary. Although LA is a beautiful place to visit it also have a dark side. Expedia travel guide is more persuasive because it provides more information about the city of Los Angeles.
Visiting LA, tourist will get a chance to visit the great Hollywood where all the well-known famous people names are on the floor, shaped like stars. Tourist can also visit the art museum that shows …show more content…

They even have the beaches, the malls, and the museum to keep the tourist and the citizens busy. Expeida shows all the great things LA has to provide while on vacation. As a tourist, they can decide what they want to do by watching the video and seeing the famous town known as Hollywood.
The Expedia travel guide shows great logos by giving multiples facts about the famous attractions and great facts about what catches the tourist attention. When the narrator said “LA is like a magnet to dreamers” and shows all the happy people it gives great emotions in that’s great pathos. As the video goes on ethos is shown by the real-life images and actions that’s going on. The stance in this video is very persuasive by providing the tourist with all the attractions that LA has in their city.
Although, L.A has a homeless rate of 254,000 people due to housing depopulation. It is also home for the biggest gangs in world known as Crips & Bloods. In 2008 the unemployment rate went from eight percent to twelve percent, 350,000 lost their jobs and 5 million were still working. Without jobs homelessness began to grow …show more content…

The polluted air is a major issue in LA and can cause many health problems. Tourist should be aware of this issue because it irritates airways and for those who have asthma or lung disease it can worsen. Even though the air is polluted, this shouldn’t stop anyone from visiting such a beautiful city. After all the smog, shouldn’t interfere with shopping, enjoying the theme parks or having a family day at the beach.
While Vice provides the negative things that Expedia will not provide to tourist it shows the real LA. Vice gave the tourist the rough side of LA even though it has it all the main attractions that tourist love it’s still LA. As mentioned in the negative videos tourist must be careful of the things they wear and tourist should be careful of the routs they take. The tourist can be walking around in sports gear in might end up in the wrong area in get into so trouble. They also should be careful with the LAPD due to the bias attitudes they