The Crips Research Paper

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The Crips are an African American gang that was formed in the 1960’s. They were originally located in Los Angeles, California and were led by Raymond Washington and Stanley Tookie Williams. According to the data, “In 2005, the last year the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) updated their public statistics on the population of specific gangs, the Crips had a reported 113 gangs with 10,792 members” (Bichler). They were known for their feud with the Bloods, a rival gang in Los Angeles. As well as being heavily influenced by the Black Panthers and their ideology. In this paper I will go into depth about the historical origins of the Crips and why they were formed. I will also talk about their drug and criminal activity and the impact it has …show more content…

About 15% of victimizations occurred just outside a residence. While a number of different violent crimes were included in the case eligibility criteria, most incidents involved murder (62%) or attempted murder (15%). Robberies that did not lead to death constituted 16% of the victimizations and assault, carjacking, and rape comprised the remaining victimizations” (Bichler). In one of the articles, it even mentioned that this gang violence led to more deaths than the Vietnam and Lebanon-Israel wars combined. This had a huge effect on society, because people got put in the middle of these gang wars. People would die just from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gangs were created as a way to stop discrimination and for people to protect themselves from violence, but it ended up creating an even more violent and dangerous society. Location also contributed to gang violence. It mattered what gang you affiliated with but also what “hood” you were