
Labeling In Cecelia Ahern's Flawed Celestine

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Society is more than their Labels The meaning of labeling Can be understood as the act of attaching a label to an individual or putting someone in a category. Labels do not matter because we live in a world where we don’t have a choice to decide who we are because society decides it for us. In Cecelia Ahern’s Flawed Celestine experiences a lot of difficulties after being named flawed. So, it makes sense why being labeled by society can do harm. First off, Labels are deceptive about how the person really is. For example, on the bus Celestine sees an old man coughing and struggling to breathe “All eyes are staring out the window or on him in disgust as if he's about to infect us all with his flaws” (45). This shows that just because he was flawed the only thing that mattered to everyone on the bus was what someone else labeled them as. Society has made this so normal that being “different” or “Unique” isn’t something that should be normalized, In the book people get branded for Being flawed because they don’t fit in with society. This can be known as discrimination. Sadly, This happens a lot in the real world for …show more content…

You're disgusting to me. Disgusting to any man. No one will ever want you” (221). Logan doesn’t even know Celestine enough to know if she really is a disgusting person, But since the guild says it immediately means it is true so he decides to say anything to jeopardize her feelings. Logan’s Family background was very religious, Celestine thought that since he was religious, he would be forgiving but this shows how he abuses his family's reputation. This also shows that people who have power will abuse it just because they can while disregarding anyone who isn’t at their

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