The story of the Lady and the dog, is a truly well written, and intriguing story regarding an old man and a young woman, whose encounter changes both their lives forever. One of the many ways this story hold so much character is in the abundance of irony and hypocrisy within it and within the main character’s lives. The protagonist in this tale is Dmitri Gurov, a bitter, old misogynist who cares nothing for woman and sees them as below him, as proved in his statement of referring to them as the "the lower race,". He thinks little of them, and refuses to recognize any sort of worth within them. Though he sees little of them Dimitri holds a secret heart within him, that is unknown to those around him, that carries a certain respect and longing for women. He feels far more safe and …show more content…
This holds to Dimitri to be hypocritical and his words and actions, and makes him more appealing as a character as the story goes on. Dramatic irony is one of the most important literary elements used throughout out the short story for what Dimitri has said and one at first, proves to be very different from what he thinks and later comes to do as the story progresses. Gurov, spend most of his time, disrespecting his wife and committing adultery holding no ounce of respect of love towards her, describing her as shrewd to further explain his distaste for her. To escaper her, he has many affairs and uses women, taking advantage of them to fuel his male bravado and fill the emptiness that appears to be bottomless within him. Yet, the dramatic irony comes into the fact that he comes to be infatuated with, the lady with the dog who later is learned to be Anna Sergeyevna, yet he held the façade to be opposed to woman for anything other than sex and nothing more in his