Lady And The Tiger Metaphors

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The Lady and the Tiger is a Short Story that was published in 1882 by Frank Stockton. The Story takes place 100’s of years ago where a semi barbaric king ruled the lands. His daughter fell in love with a man of not a lot of riches or wealthyness. The King did not approve of her lover and sent him to court. His court was not a normal court to the court considered to be an arena with a throne for the king and two doors. Out of the two doors, either a lady or a tiger would appear and come out. The princess knew which would come out of what and placed her right hand to the right. The Lover followed her movement and then the author left us to see what came out of the door, the lady or the tiger. A Short Story is a story that is usually shorter …show more content…

She uses metaphors like she was the apple of his eye, and was loved by him above all humanity" This metaphor compares the princess to the "apple of (the king's) eye." "The apple of my eye" is an American idiom used to describe someone that is extremely precious to the announcer. It is used to describe the impression that someone is more valuable than anyone else in the eyes of the person. The author formulates sentences very well so that the reader feels suckt into the book.

The short story The Lady and the Tiger has allowed the readers to learn that there are people abusing power and wealth. There are people who kill innocent lives just for the fun of it. There are people who abuse their power and break up people. The king built the arena strictly for him to see the joy of someone getting their life taken away by hungry tiger claws. You heard that right the king used real tigers to kill the empty soul that stood in the pit. Some people enjoy seeing that the story has also made me realize that even people who you love can betray you for a better life. The princess knows that she has to make a choice between living with jealousy or death. The author leaves the end open but we all know what she is going to choose after her, thinking this “How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman.” There is also another quote that proves it even better “when she had seen them walk away together upon their path of flowers, followed by the tremendous shouts of the hilarious multitude, in which her one despairing shriek was lost and drowned.” So wenn a person reads the short story the reader learns something new about his/her