Lady Capulet In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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One of Shakespeare’s most renowned plays is The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Many different characters with contrasting personalities give this play its diversity in colour. Some people can identify with Romeo, the romantic one; others with Benvolio, the peacemaker; Mercutio, the talkative; Juliet, the impatient and ambitious; or many more. All of the characters in Romeo and Juliet have at least one trait that I see in myself. However, one character reminds me most of myself. This character is Lady Capulet. She reveals different characteristics through her lines, but I will only expand on the ones that I identify with the most. The first real appearance Lady Capulet makes is when she went to have a discussion with Juliet about marriage. In …show more content…

Capulet was getting extremely upset at Juliet for not being grateful about the marriage arrangements and disobeying his authority. When he starts to use very harsh language and threatens to disown his daughter, Lady Capulet briefly steps in saying, “Fie, fie, what, are you mad?” (III,v,163) and, “You are too hot.” (III,v,186). These two lines show that Lady Capulet knows when things are getting too far. She questioned Capulet's words, implying that although she may be disappointed or angry at Juliet as well, she and her decisions are not led by anger (or emotions in general). Lady Capulet tells her husband to calm down--she knows the heat of the situation and knows where it will lead to if Capulet does not control himself. Strong emotions usually distort a clear mindset, causing people to make irrational decisions. Because Lady Capulet does not have and is not guided by emotion, she is very realistic and knows when intervention is needed. I am also down-to-earth. I can get disappointed often, but if a conversation/discussion of future actions goes too far, I will be able to see beyond rage, confusion, or sadness. If someone else is going to do something unethical as a result of their emotions, I know they cannot see clearly and will usually try to reason with them. Both Lady Capulet and I are rational and reasonable people. This is most likely be because we do not let emotions control