Lady Macbeth Essay

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English Coursework – Thomas Leach Macbeth Taking into consideration the relationship of the play and its context, explore the ways in which Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth throughout the play. The play, Macbeth, was written by William Shakespeare in the Jacobean era. In the Jacobean era, men held the power in social and political hierarchies. Society was patriarchal. Men possessed the money and authority, and power was passed down through men. Women had little personal power or freedom and were expected to be subservient to men, behaving passively and obediently. Women held traditional roles, looking after the home, performing domestic duties, raising children, and providing emotional support to their husbands. Here we explore throughout …show more content…

This scene highlights Lady Macbeth's influence over Macbeth and her ability to manipulate his emotions and actions to achieve her own ambitions. Macbeth is initially hesitant about murdering Duncan, as he is full of doubt and uncertainty about the morality of the act. Lady Macbeth seizes this opportunity to persuade Macbeth to go through with the plan as she sees the potential for her own power and status. Lady Macbeth uses Macbeth’s desire to be king to manipulate him to kill Duncan. She appeals to his ambition and his fear of being perceived as weak or cowardly, using language that is emotive and violent. The quotation "I would, while it was smiling in my face, / Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums / And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you / Have done to this" is a clear indication of Lady Macbeth's violent and ruthless nature, indicating that Lady Macbeth would be prepared to murder an innocent child in the pursuit of her ambition. The use of the adjective "boneless" to describe the gums conveys a sense of innocence and vulnerability, like that of a baby, while the phrase "dashed the brains out" employs plosive sounds to emphasise the brutality of the act she would be prepared to commit. This scene is significant because it highlights the role of gender in the play. Lady Macbeth assumes a traditionally male role as the manipulator …show more content…

There is a significant turning point in the trajectory of the play. Macbeth commits the act of regicide in-between the scenes, changing everything forever as they have sinned and gone against the decision of God, leading to the downfall of morality of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth has one tragic flaw ultimately leads to her to her downfall – her ambition. Within these quotations, (Macbeth) “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? / A little water clears us of this deed: How easy is it then!” Lady Macbeth does not appear to consider the impact Macbeth’s actions are having on his mental state as Macbeth feels a deeper sense of guilt for Duncan’s murder. The use of Macbeth’s “Neptune's ocean” shows how he will never mentally recover from the mental shock of killing Duncan. “Neptune’s ocean” is a metaphor, as Macbeth feels that all the water in the ocean cannot remove the blood from his hands, while Lady Macbeth thinks that everything will be ok, using just by a little water. The noun “deed” shows contrast between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth revealing their different attitudes towards guilt and ambition. While Macbeth is tormented by his conscience, Lady Macbeth suppresses her emotions and acts coldly and

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