Lady Macbeth Misunderstood Analysis

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“Your words mean nothing when your actions are the complete opposite.” In Shakespeare's the tragedy of Macbeth Lady Macbeth is often viewed as evil by her actions when its the complete opposite; she is just misunderstood. She is misunderstood because she shows signs of weakness, and by the end of the play she is filled with guilt causing her to commit suicide.

Lady Macbeth is misunderstood, not totally evil, because she shows signs of weakness and guilt. Lady Macbeth had to ask for help from evil spirits to follow through with killing Duncan, which shows she was not totally evil.“Come, you spirits that serve the thoughts of mortals: rid me of the natural tenderness of my sex and fill me from head to toe with direst cruelty!” (I, v, 39-42) Lady Macbeth did not think she could go through with killing someone because she was a weak woman and thought a man was more capable of killing someone. Later on in the play, Lady Macbeth was hallucinating and admitting what she had done while washing imaginary blood off of her hands. These actions showed she was feeling guilty.“The smell of the blood is still there. All the perfumes of Arabia cannot sweeten this little hand. Oh,oh,oh!” ( V,v,45). Lady Macbeth was having dreams of …show more content…

She is evil because she prays for spirits to give her the strength to turn emotionless. Lady Macbeth could be seen as truly evil for asking the spirits to fill her up with cruelty. However, by the end of the play, she is so consumed with guilt from her actions, that she kills herself. As Malcolm informed the crowd, “Fiendish queen, who took her own life,”(V,vii, 205). By the end of the play, Lady Macbeth felt guilty about her role in the murders. She was having nightmares, regretful thoughts and hallucinations.”“The smell of the blood is still there. All the perfumes of Arabia cannot sweeten this little hand. Oh,oh,oh!” (IV, I,c 175)” Lady Macbeth felt she could not live her life anymore because of what she