Lady Macbeth Research Paper

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Often times women roles are commonly ignored in plays, however in Macbeth the role of women is critically important. The play identifies Lady Macbeth as a woman who has a deep thirst for power. The three witches symbolize how manipulative women can be. Lady Macduff is characterized as a caring mother whose power revolves around her family and their safety. Shakespeare portrays the role of women in Macbeth through many women, who are all powerful in their unique ways. Lady Macbeth represents a powerful voice for the women in the book, she lets her determination to give her husband power guide her actions. She's suggested Macbeth should kill Duncan for the outcome of becoming king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth doesn't play the stereotypical woman role which looks over a child and stick within her estate but instead she puts effort into power and leadership. Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeth to show the control that women like her have over their husbands. Eventually, her guilt over the murders of Banquo, Duncan, Lady Macduff and Macduff's children leads her to madness and suicide. Lady Macbeth doesn't play the stereotypical woman role, since she isn’t embracing her humanized features. Once she heard news that the messenger is out of breath, as he announces Duncan's entrance into her castle, Lady Macbeth quotes “.. where he …show more content…

How dare you give Macbeth riddles and prophecies about his future without telling me? I am your boss and the source of your powers. I am the one who sick really decides what evil things happen, but you never called me to join in and show off my own powers. And what's worse, you've done this all for a man” (III.v.2-11). This quote relates to the topic of the role of women because it’s showing how there is a very powerful character above any other man specifically Macbeth, who thinks he’s

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