Influence Of Lady Macbeth

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In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth is a strong female character that does not stay within the boundaries that women were designated back in this time period. Due to the fact that she was Macbeth’s wife she had the most influence of his behavior. Women were not usually thought of as intelligent nor were they influential. In this case Lady Macbeth defied those odds and played a huge role in how Macbeth’s life played out. Lady Macbeth was the driving force that led him to carry out her master plan full of violence and murder. She used many tactics including questioning his manhood, reassuring Macbeth and reminding him of her faithfulness in order for her to become Queen of Scotland. First, Lady Macbeth began creating a master plan …show more content…

Lady Macbeth was always quick to reassure Macbeth when the guilt started to creep in. Macbeth did not continue this plan based on his own ambition. Without the constant reassurance of his wife Macbeth would have failed “But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail” (Act1, scene vii ln 60-61) were Lady Macbeth’s words of encouragement. The Lady was telling Macbeth that if he got his courage up, he could not fail, and that was enough reassurance for him to carry out the murder. Lady Macbeth believed that she was just as guilty as Macbeth so it was important for her to put him at ease because she knew how he was feeling, and if he slipped up she would suffer the consequences as well. Lady Macbeth calms Macbeth about Banquo and Fleance still being alive by telling him that “nature’s copy not eterne”(Act 3, scene ii ln 42). In this, she was trying to make him feel better about having them killed, because whether they died then or later they would die eventually. Lady Macbeth’s reassurance is a major part of her role as Macbeth’s wife because she needed to keep Macbeth sane so that he didn’t confess their wrongdoings. Lady Macbeth is also the main reason why Macbeth’s character goes through such a drastic change. Macbeth goes from a kind and loyal leader to a violent and murderous tyrant all because his wife is power

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