
Lady Macbeth Research Paper

535 Words3 Pages
In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth, drastically changes during the course of the play. Lady Macbeth starts yearning for power and the death of King Duncan, as she takes complete charge of the planning of the murder. As the play concludes, Lady Macbeth has gone from being hungry for power, to being haunted by the guilt of murder, thus leading her to go insane. Her thirst for power and willingness to do anything to achieve that power disfigures her spirit and sense of morality.
In the first two acts, Lady Macbeth is determined to carry out the murder of King Duncan to gain power. In act one, Lady Macbeth is extra kind and friendly towards King Duncan when he arrives at their castle. She says “For those

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